What is a Computer Users Group?
You just bought a Macintosh and need more help. Using your Macintosh can be a fun and satisfying experience, but it can also be frustrating. It should be comforting to know that there is a network across the country of many thousands of people who use Macintosh computers, the Macintosh User Groups or MUGs. MUGs include people at all levels of expertise who at one time were just like you, a new user. Their sole purpose is to help each other. We are the Princeton Macintosh User Group (PMUG), and have many members who can share your interests, and advise on hardware and software problems.
Maybe you are a Mac pro. Knowledge is a two-way street and we offer the opportunity to continue learning and to share your experience with others. Through PMUG, you can get a better understanding of how the Macintosh works, learn how your interests can be enhanced by using the Mac, and explore it’s potential to maximize your own. You can also make contacts with other Mac users both new and expert and share your interests, talents, and skills so that others may benefit.
PMUG is flexible enough to be valuable to both beginner and intermediate Macintosh users. With our meetings, membership, and resources, PMUG expands your horizons. Our membership is large, mostly non-university, and includes many Macintosh experts and program developers with training, experience and contacts both similar and dissimilar to your own. Advanced users are very welcome and a necessary part of our mission. We are big enough to draw high-tech multi-media professionals from the private sector for presentations and to be sought out by top software vendors.
What is PMUG?
The Princeton Macintosh Users’ Group (PMUG) is a club for Macintosh computer enthusiasts. Through our group, members both new and expert share their interests, talents, and skills in the Macintosh environment so that others may benefit.
There are many benefits to being a PMUG member including great meetings, a monthly newsletter, access to other members, and access to paper and electronic resources.
PMUG has about 200 members within a 50 mile radius of Princeton, New Jersey, with a monthly meeting attendance of about 90. We are a highly diversified group with many different backgrounds and occupations, ranging from education and the arts to government to large and small businesses.
If you have any questions about PMUG subjects which aren’t covered in our Website, feel free to contact us.