Become a Member

Nonmembers are invited to stop at the Hospitality Desk before the general monthly meeting begins to learn more about how PMUG can meet their specific needs and interests. The Hospitality Representatives are located inside the auditorium, and will be available to take your membership application form and check. Membership fees are very low and pay for newsletter postage, club equipment, and meeting and operating costs. Please ask for details.

The Princeton Macintosh Users’ Group is a voluntary organization open to all, whether or not affiliated with Princeton University. All current and potential Macintosh users are welcome to join.

The hard work of the PMUG executive board and its members in appointed positions in running the organization, running meetings, and producing the newsletter is free. We encourage new members to explore getting involved with the various tasks needed to run PMUG efficiently and productively. The more volunteers we have, the more PMUG can do for its members.

If you have questions about PMUG membership, contact the PMUG Membership Director at

Take a look at our many benefits in this handy brochure. (pdf)

Join Now!

Membership dues are $20 for one year; $15 for students; and $5 for each additional family member. Renewals are due annually on your anniversary, the date you joined.

There are two ways you may join:

If you have questions about PMUG membership, contact the PMUG Membership Director at

Membership Renewal

Membership dues are $20 for one year; $15 for students; and $5 for each additional family member. Renewals are due annually on your anniversary, the date you joined.

There are two ways to renew your membership: