Member resources are facilities and references available as part of PMUG membership. These resources, which are all available between and during monthly meetings, include:
Other Members
The members of PMUG are themselves resources to other members. PMUG is an excellent forum for exchanging ideas, discussing problems, and making business contacts. The membership is a diverse group of Mac enthusiasts which includes business owners, accountants, artists, engineers, programmers, lawyers, doctors, and educators. Not only is PMUG a good place to learn, it’s also a great place to make friends.
Our year-end party provides members not only with bites, but also bytes (the computer kind.)
Members most often contact other members at monthly membership meetings. Our PMUG Answers discussion group provides a more intimate forum for users. As you meet your fellow members, you will find others with similar interests and those with expertise who can help or suggest avenues towards solutions.
Monthly Meetings Podcast
Members can automatically recieve our Podcasts. The Monthly Meetings Podcast presents general meetings and other special events. Podcast episodes older than one year may be found in the members’ area.
Disk Utility Software
PMUG has setup a special utility software lending binder at Creative Computing for use by members. Any current member may borrow either DiskWarrior 2 & 3, TechTool Pro 4 or Drive Genius for 3 days. These are powerful utilities designed to repair disk damage on your systems, so if you are having difficulties with your computer, try them out!
The Members’ Area
After logging into the members’ area, members-only content can be accessed as explained below. This Website area is exclusively for members of the Princeton Macintosh Users Group. All members in good standing can access this site’s contents:
- DIALOG Newsletter: The full DIALOG newsletter archive is available for download in Acrobat (pdf) format. The newsletter is archived back to 1999.
- Monthly Meetings Podcast Archive: Listen to Podcast episodes older than one year from the archive page.
- Photo Galleries: See photo galleries from general monthly meetings. Also see galleries taken by PMUG members who have attended the Macworld Expo and Trenton Computer Festivals.
- Help List: Members can post to a private e-mail list. The Help List gives members a way to ask and solve Mac-related problems they have.
- PMUG Officers: This handy list provides contact information.