April 10, 2018: Apple Pay, with Khürt Williams

The meeting begins at 7:15 p.m., Stuart Hall at Princeton Theological Seminary, room 4.

Khürt Williams at PMUG's January 2017 meeting — photo by Michael Blank)

(Click for larger version)

Apple Pay is an easy and secure way to pay for physical and digital goods — all from your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac.

Apple Pay logo

PMUG’s Khürt Williams will explain the benefits of Apple Pay, demonstrate how to set it up, and how to use it.


About the presenter…
Khürt Williams is PMUG’s Vice President and program director. Khürt is an information security professional, Web developer, avid photographer, and technology geek with an affinity for brewed liquid. Khürt currently consultants as an information security architect for the New Jersey Courts.