April 8, 2014: Pressgram — Filter and Publish Photos to WordPress

If you love photo journaling or sharing photos via social media with friends and family, Pressgram is the newest tool you need to add to your toolbox.

Pressgram is an iOS App which lets you capture, edit, and share your photos directly to WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, and other social media Websites.

PMUG’s President, Khürt Williams, will demonstrate Pressgram’s basic features to capture, edit, and export to various social media Websites. Khürt will also show the elements of editing photos on the iPhone, and how to configure social sharing (Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ options.)


About the presenter…
PMUG President, Khürt Williams, is an independent information security consultant specializing in security architecture, vulnerability management and compliance. He is an avid landscape and nature photographer who sometimes prefers his iPhone to his Nikon and coffee to water. Khürt often writes his random thoughts on technology, photography and coffee on his Blog, Island in the Net.