January 10, 2017: Shop & Surf Safely in macOS 10.12 Sierra

Khürt Williams at PMUG's September 2016 meeting — photo by Michael Blank

(Click for larger version)

Apple released macOS 10.12 Sierra a few months ago with new features and configuration options. Whether this is your first experience with macOS or or just an update, before you do anything like customizing your Mac, loading new apps, or syncing your data, you should take a few steps to lock down your Mac and protect your privacy.

PMUG’s Khürt Williams will show how to adjust settings in macOS 10.12 Sierra to stay safe while you shop online, browse Websites, and bank online.

Khürt will focus on setting security configurations for Safari, App Store, Secure Payment (via iOS), etc. He will explain some of the security architecture of macOS and explain how macOS protects data stored on the Mac, as well as how to decommission a used device for re-sale. Khürt will also give general security awareness tips.

About the presenter…
Khürt Williams is Principal and Managing Director at Monkey Hill, LLC, a consulting firm focused on information security governance, risk and compliance. Khürt is also PMUG’s Vice President.

Note! icon Meeting Room Location

PMUG’s meetings will now be held in Stuart Hall, Room 4 (first floor.) This is the room where the "PMUG Answers" Discussion Group used to be held.