June 13, 2017: iOS Security, with Michael Inskeep

Michael Inskeep was in the audience for PMUG's February 2017 meeting — photo by Michael Blank

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Attacks on computers have become more sophisticated in the last several years. Michael Inskeep will review general principles of digital security, vulnerabilities of iPads and iPhones, and suggest simple steps users can take to protect themselves against attack.

These strategies are based on reports of current and emerging threats, his familiarity with the security features of Apple products, and his practical experience helping users — both experienced and naive. Michael’s presentation will be aimed at people using a personal iDevice at home or on the road.

About the presenter…
Michael Inskeep is an Apple Certified Support Professional and member of the Apple Consultants Network. He has been supporting Macintosh computers and other Apple products for 27 years in different capacities: as Director of Microcomputing for the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Arts and Sciences; as Technology Coordinator/Teacher for Friends School Haverford; and since 1999 through his independent consulting business, Gentle Computer Helpers.

Note! icon Meeting Room Location

PMUG’s meetings are now held in Stuart Hall, Room 4 (first floor.) This is the room where the "PMUG Answers" Discussion Group used to be held.