The meeting begins at 7 p.m. — so that we may start on time, please arrive at least 5 minutes before the meeting begins.
Do you remember Apple’s Time Capsule products? They may be gone, but you can still get all of their functionality and much more.
Aric Pedersen, PMUG’s President, will show how to use Network Attached Storage (or NAS – a fancy name for hard drives connected to your local home network) to not only backup anything on your home network including Apple products (including your iPhone, iPad and Macs,) PCs and even your personal photos, documents, etc. without paying for iCloud or other storage services.
The best part is that you may be able to accomplish all of this with stuff lying around your house right now with little to no additional software or hardware needed. You’ll also see how to use dedicated NAS hardware to almost completely replace iCloud services or even run your own in-home private media streaming service so you can stop paying for Netflix.
About the presenter
Aric Pedersen has worked for many years in the technology sector. He has used Macs primarily since 1990. Aric can often be found answering questions on the PMUG help list while he waits for the world to return to something like normalcy. He currently resides in Florida.