October 10, 2017: Members’ Night Presentations

Jeff Gorman at PMUG's February 2016 meeting, and <b>Laura O'Neill at the June 2012 meeting. Photos by Michael Blank
(Click for larger version)

At Members’ Night we have various members share their areas of expertise with the group in short presentations.

  • Laura O’Neill will talk about her experiences with “Ask the Mac Pros” — weekly sessions at the Princeton Public Library where PMUG members volunteer their time to answer visitors’ Apple hardware and software questions.
  • Jeff Gorman will give a presentation on “Basic Security.”
  • There could be a third presentation from another PMUG member — watch this area for updates
Note! iconRoute 206 Closure Notice
There is a detour on Route 206 in both directions until the end of the year. Members driving to the meeting should view the NJDOT closure announcement for more information.
Note! iconMembership Reminder
Memberships are due one year from your last renewal date. A reminder notice will be e-mailed if your membership has come due—please check your spam folder and that your e-mail address is correct from the account management page.

You may renew online (click the “Add/Renew Subscription” link at the page top after logging in) using PayPal. Membership questions can be e-mailed to membership@pmug-nj.org.