October 11, 2016: “Introducing macOS Sierra and iOS 10” with Apple’s Dave Marra

Dave Marra at PMUG's March 2013 meeting — photo by Michael Blank

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Apple’s Dave Marra returns to demonstrate the company’s latest Mac operating system update — macOS Sierra (Mac OS X 10.12,) which features Siri on the Mac, a Universal Clipboard between macOS and iOS, macOS login with the Apple Watch, iCloud Drive, Apple Pay, Optimized Storage to free up hard drive space, and much more.

Dave will also show iOS 10, which features updates to the Messages, Maps, and Photos apps.


About the presenter…
As a Senior Systems Engineer for Apple, Dave Marra has conducted thousands of technology presentations, keynote addresses and workshops for schools, Mac and PC user groups, businesses and other professional organizations across the United States and Canada. Certified as both an Apple Certified Technical Coordinator and an Apple Certified Systems Administrator, his specialty areas include digital multimedia, Internet technologies, accessibility and Mac/PC integration.