October 13, 2015: Mac OS X 10.11 “El Capitan,” What’s New, what’s different — the good, the bad and the ugly, with Dave Hamilton

Dave Hamilton at the October 2014 PMUG meeting — Photo by Michael Blank

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Apple’s new desktop OS 10.11 “El Capitan” promises better performance, new and refined features, better security and compatibility. That’s the promise. What’s the reality?

Mac expert, Dave Hamilton of the Mac Observer and Mac Geek Gab, will show us what to expect with demos and tips. We’ll see what works well, what’s improved, what needs help; Dave’s take and real life experience will be presented with clarity and humor. Will “El Capitan” really prove to be the “Snow Leopard” of the new Mac 64-bit OSes? Come to the meeting and find out.


About the presenter…
Dave Hamilton is President and CEO of The Mac Observer and BackBeat Media, and producer and co-host of The Mac Observer’s Mac Geek Gab Podcast. He has worked in the computer industry for 15 years, as a consultant, trainer, network engineer, Web master, and programmer. In his earlier consulting days, he worked on the Mac, all the various Windows flavors, BeOS, a few brands of Unix, and it is rumored he once saw an OS/2 machine in action. Dave maintains his Blog at DaveTheNerd.com, and you can find links to him on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.