How to secure your Mac – Part 1

So you just got your new Mac and are excited to start using it. You’ve heard a lot about how Macs are easy to use and how secure they are. You’ve seen the ads on TV showing how Windows is susceptible to viruses and hacking and Macs are (supposed) immune. Apple’s marketing machine and Steve Jobs reality distortion field are in full effect. Your’re ready to hit the on button and get to playing. Well … Halt! The truth is no computer system, including your shiny new Mac, is immune from attack.

How to protect your Gmail account

Researchers at the at a Defcon hackers’ conference revealed a flaw in the way Google’s Gmail handles session cookies. According to the Hacking Truths. web site: The problem lies with the fact that every time you access anything on Gmail, even an image, your browser also sends your cookie to the website. This makes it … Read more

Digital certificates and signatures

Recently the topic of spam came up in one of the meeting of the PMUG.  Someone suggested that digital signatures was one solution to the problem of spam but there was no clear understanding of digital signatures and how they help with the spam problem.  I intend to write a concise but easily understood series … Read more