Geotagging Digital Photos on the Mac

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Digital photography is a popular hobby with new technology constantly improving the field. These advances usually involve the camera’s imaging system or processing the resulting photos—such as capturing more image data for greater editing freedom (with RAW format files) and gathering a wider range of brightness to make a photo look more realistic or surreal with high dynamic range (HDR).

This month’s meeting will showcase another advance, but the camera’s imaging system is not directly involved: the combining of photos with coordinates from the Global Positioning System (GPS) in what is called “geotagging.” This can be both helpful and fun. By geotagging your images you can locate your position so you may return again, compare photos from different locations to find the best spot, and get help identifying unknown features around you.

PMUG’s Michael Blank will show what geotagging is all about. Learn about the hardware and Mac software needed for geotagging photos with any digital camera, the geotagging process, and how to resolve GPS receiver and geotagging problems you may encounter. Michael will also demonstrate how geotagged photos from the online online community can help you take better pictures.

##About the presenter##

Michael Blank is PMUG’s Webmaster and produces two Podcasts for the group: the Monthly Meetings Podcast and the DIALOGcast. Michael is also a Website designer for the [Princeton Internet Group](

Visit the [PMUG web site]( for more information about this event.