Inside iCloud

The concept is deceptively simple, but it involves quite a bit of thoughtful engineering on Apple’s behalf. There needs to be support built into both the desktop and mobile operating system, as well as a web interface for the cloud-based storage. Third parties also have to incorporate support for iCloud’s Documents & Data in their apps. Apple has demonstrated how to do with with its iWork apps, the first to incorporate support for the new feature.

Rather than just throwing up a way to copy around files automatically, Apple took an carefully considered approach that borrows from its experience in curating the iOS and Mac App Stores. This isn’t just a network-synced iDisk. Instead. each app that opts in to the iCloud Documents & Data feature is accorded a secure storage space of its own, just as iOS apps each live in their own secure sandbox, inaccessible from other apps.

Using iCloud-aware apps therefore won’t eat up users’ free storage on iCloud, just as Photo Stream or iTunes’ media, apps and iBooks use won’t count against the free 5GB of storage every iCloud user gets.

(via Apple Insider)