Review: Camera+ for iPhone

My dad's Asahi Pentax Spotmatic

I recently started a new photography project to challenge myself and improve my photography.  I”ll be taking photos all year round using nothing but my iPhone 4 and a few iOS photography apps (Camera+, AutoStitch, PixelPipe).  I’ll be uploading the best photograph of the day to a new blog.

The Camera+ app from model and photographer Lisa Bettany is the app I prefer to the built in camera app. It has a cross hair and hand shake feature that helps me with composing and the built in image filters allow me to add an artistic touch to my photos.

When I first launched the app, I was presented with a virtual DSLR view finder and two menu options and two controls. There is a shutter release in the upper right hand corner and a menu button in the lower left hand corner. The menu button allowed me to turn on (or off) certain functions such as composition grid, shutter sound, digital zoom, etc. I also setup Camera+ to share images via my social networks on facebook, twitter, and flickr. I could also adjust the image capture quality.

Camera+ Virual DSLR

The photographer can snap an image using the shutter release on the virtual DSLR. This gave me just a small virtual view finder which I found quite limiting. I prefer to choose, “Take photos”, from the main menu. That also activated the grid overlay to help me with composition. From here I can also turn on the stabiliser to help with my caffeine induced hand shake.

Camera+ Lightbox

Camera+ stores captured images in an internal library – the Lightbox. This is where I did post processing with the images – cropping, applying artistic filers, and exposure correction.

Camera+ FX

The HDR and overlay filters are my favourites but there are 16 FX effects to choose from. I also like the fact that I can crop my photo and add my own border.

I discovered one downside to the Camera+ app though. It keeps its photo in a a local library – the Lightbox. When photos are exported to the Photo app all EXIF data is lost. Images taken on different days and lighting conditions all get the same time stamp when exported. However, I found a tip left by a commenter on the Camera+ blog. Camera+ can export photos to Flickr with full EXIF data. I then use the Bulkr app to download the photos to my iMac and import into Lightroom.  It’s a bit more work but well worth it to have the EXIF data I need.

Camera+ Borders