Malware on the Mac: is there cause for concern?

Ars spoke with 14 different Mac support specialists—including several Apple Store Geniuses—in order to get a handle on whether things have changed when it comes to dealing with malware. Their experiences are all over the map, but the general consensus does seem to lean towards a low amount of malware problems—until you get to the Geniuses.

via Ars Technica

Read my earlier post regarding this.

3 thoughts on “Malware on the Mac: is there cause for concern?”

  1. It doesn’t look like there’s a widespread Mac malware problem out there. What it looks like is there’s one Trojan Horse, some people get taken in by it, and they tend to be the kind of people who rely on the Genius Bar to solve their problems.
    If correlation implies causation, then clearly the way to avoid Mac malware is to avoid the Genius Bar!

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